How Do I Stop Wave Browser From Opening Automatically?

How Do I Stop Wave Browser From Opening Automatically

Are you using the Wave browser and noticing the browser is kept opening when starting the computer? 

If so, and if you don’t like that, you may ask How Do I Stop Wave Browser From Opening Automatically?

In this article, you’ll see how to stop it from your computer or laptop. After following and completing this guide, you’ll see that the Wave browser is not going to open when opening your computer. 

How Do I Stop Wave Browser From Opening Automatically?

Open your computer’s task manager by searching “Task Manager” from the search box > Go to the Startup tab > find the Wave browser. Right-click and disable the auto-opening status. 

If you’re not a fan of your web browser opening up automatically when you start your computer, you can change this behavior in the settings.

In most web browsers, you can go into the settings and disable the option for the browser to open up automatically when your computer starts.

There isn’t really a right or wrong answer to this question, it’s more of a personal preference.

If you find that having your web browser open automatically is convenient, then there’s no need to change it. 

But if you prefer to have more control over when your web browser opens, then disabling the auto-start option is probably the way to go.

How To Stop Wave Browser From Opening On Startup Windows 11?

How Do I Stop Wave Browser From Opening Automatically

Open the “Task Manager” from your Windows 11 PC, Go to the Startup section to find the Wave browser > right-click and click on the disable option. 

What Is Auto-Opening App On Computers?

When you open an application on your computer, the files associated with that application are automatically opened. 

This is called auto-opening. Auto-opening can be a convenience, but it can also be a security risk.

If an application is compromised, the attacker can access all of the files associated with that application. To prevent this, you can disable auto-opening in your security settings.

What Are The Advantages Of Disabling Apps From Auto Opening When Starting A Computer? 

There are a few advantages of disabling apps from auto-opening when starting a computer. One is that it can help your computer startup faster.

If you have a lot of apps that open automatically, it can take a while for your computer to start up fully. 

Another advantage is that it can help free up memory and processing power. Having a lot of apps open at once can tax your computer’s resources, so disabling some from auto-opening can help improve its performance. 

Finally, it can also help declutter your desktop and menu bar. If you have a lot of apps that open automatically, they can quickly take over your screen real estate. 

By disabling some from auto-opening, you can help keep your desktop organized and tidy.


There are a few disadvantages of disabling apps from auto-opening when starting a computer. 

One disadvantage is that it can take longer for the computer to start up because each app has to load individually.

This can be frustrating if you’re trying to get work done quickly or if you’re in a hurry to get to a meeting or appointment. Another disadvantage is that it can be easy to forget which apps you have disabled and which ones are still enabled.

This can lead to confusion and frustration if you’re trying to use an app that you thought you had disabled. Finally, disabling apps from auto-opening can lead to security risks.

If you disable an antivirus app, for example, you could be opening yourself up to malware and other threats.

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Whether you want to disable or enable the auto-opening feature with Wave browser will depend on your personal preference.

However, I will only suggest that you keep enabling the auto-opening feature with your Wave browser if you don’t want to open the browser every time you open the computer. 

This can save you time because you don’t need to open the browser manually every time you open the computer. 

However, if you don’t like the way the browser automatically opens on your computer at the starting time, you may ask, How Do I Stop Wave Browser From Opening Automatically.